Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Hola, mi amgos y amigas de Estados Unitos.  Here I am Tuesday morning to write and provide pictures of our trip so far.

Last night, we had Mass then Ultreya in town and....wow, it was amazing.  We Notreamericanos went up and introduced ourselves and sang a song ("I'm trading my sorrows").  Afterwards, unexpectedly, the lights went out and Padre walked in with a Monstrance for an evening of adoration. The most moving part of Adoration was when Father picked up the Monstrance and walked around to each individual person in the room and we were able to kiss the monstrance and put our head against it to make a small, silent prayer.  It was such a magical moment.  What I just described does not even do it justice.  The tears were flowing all around.

This morning, Jay, Jim, Scott, and Terese are in the garden finishing up their work.  Madre Maria is at the compound finshing sorting school supplies and medicines which we are taking around tomorrow morning (to Kindergartens and clinics respectivly).

This afternoon is up in the air as the garden will be finished.  I believe some will be coming to blog while others will be working in the compound garden.

Below i'm posting various pictures - the first bit being the medicines that were donated..

Next are pictures that I took

Hogar Del Nino

Next are garden pictures:
                                                           Garden prior to work

Garden work

In the same villaige, a group from Rockland Mass (this was friday), played a game with the children
The videoi will be posted on a different date - for now, here are some pictures (mostly of them learning the song - the game is played on the future posted video):

Next, I have some pictures taken at Mass on sunday:

There is a free dental clinc in the Hogar - here are some pictures taken from the clinic:

And finally, a few miscellaneous pictures:

The Natural Cross on the Mountain

This is me with the child I sponsor through the Adelante program so he can continue school past the 6th grade.

Purchasing sandalias at market on Friday

Teipong (sp?) - one of the local teams dog.  Friendly and our unoffical mascott.

I hope you enjoy some of these pictures!!!

Adios for now -


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